Babajide Owoyele

Babajide Owoyele is a dual PhD candidate at the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (Netherlands) and the Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam). He explores data-driven approaches to understanding the rules, skills, and roles of Systemic Intermediaries by mining their narratives and discourse corpus, towards providing insights on how they might amplify strategies for transformative innovation outcomes.


The Deep Narratives Africa (DNA) project is a content analysis study exploring the emergent thematic patterns of development actor narratives. DNA leverages text data (e.g Twitter, press releases, and news articles) of the multilateral entities (e.g the African Development Bank, World Bank Group, African Union) to mine these patterns. The goal is to systematically uncover trends, concepts, and issues in these actor narratives. Thematic similarities and differences identified in this project will be synthesized and visualized to contribute empirical evidence on the state of African narratives.