Climate action stories

Small community in Northern Kenya receives FAO achievement award for forest conservation

December 30, 2022

Small community in Northern Kenya receives FAO achievement award for forest conservation

The Kirisia community from Samburu in Northern Kenya is rewriting its negative historical narrative and putting Samburu on the global map through its forest conservation programme.

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How flower growing is transforming Southwest Cameroon

December 30, 2022

How flower growing is transforming Southwest Cameroon

Cameroonian motor mechanic Akah George Kum started growing flowers in the shadow of Mount Cameroon. The venture has bloomed - and the Dibanda region with it.

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Can South Africa provide a template for a just energy transition in Africa?

December 7, 2022

Can South Africa provide a template for a just energy transition in Africa?

South Africa's huge energy requirements and ageing generating coal fleet offer a great opportunity to showcase how this can be done, according many players, like Mojabeng Manthata, Acting Head, Energy, Environment and ICT, at the Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA). The country's coal fired power stations are on average over 50 years old.

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Healing the waters: Fisher community takes the plunge

December 7, 2022

Healing the waters: Fisher community takes the plunge

According to experts, an equivalent of two football pitches of seagrass - a critical bulwark against sea warming and a generator of oxygen, - disappears globally every 60 minutes. In Mauritius, a conservation organisation and local fisher community have rolled out a five-year project to fight back - by replanting seagrass.

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Chasing net zero at Bomanoma

December 7, 2022

Chasing net zero at Bomanoma

With traditions that have endured for centuries, the Maasai have always been, amongst other things, environmentally low-impact. As traditions evolve, a Maasai woman is ensuring that climate-friendly practices, new and old, are retained.

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Charles Onyango-Obbo: How to talk about Tororo trees

December 7, 2022

Charles Onyango-Obbo: How to talk about Tororo trees

The railway line used to cut through a forest. We have vivid memories of the forest. When we were kids and visited with the grandparents during the school holiday, the highlight would be going out to the woods to follow one of our uncles. He had a hunting gun licence. He would bring his gun with him for the holidays and hunt for guinea fowl.

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Kanga Potash project in Congo will soon be a world leader in fertiliser production

December 7, 2022

Kanga Potash project in Congo will soon be a world leader in fertiliser production

Located in Kouilou Province, 32km north of the central economic hub of Pointe Noire in the Republic of Congo, the Kanga Potash project seeks to manufacture 2.4 million tonnes of Muriate of Potash (MOP) per annum with an estimated mine life of 30 years.

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Africa's landmark climate damage compensation deal

December 7, 2022

Africa's landmark climate damage compensation deal

Five Global funders have renewed their commitment to support the narrative change organization Africa No Filter for another two years. The donor collaborative, which was started in 2020, has been advocating for better representation of Africa in the media and arts and culture space since its inception.

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The young Moroccan driving climate action

October 13, 2022

The young Moroccan driving climate action

20-year-old Fatna Ikrame El Fanne is ensuring that young Moroccans are fully aware of the dangers of climate change - and the opportunities for climate action.

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VIDEO STORY: Smart farmers look to beat climate change

October 13, 2022

VIDEO STORY: Smart farmers look to beat climate change

In the Kenyan region of Laikipia, a group of small-scale African farmers is leveraging smart farming technologies to beat changing weather patterns.

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Eco Mama's: Uganda's eco-village shaping the future of sustainable agriculture

October 13, 2022

Eco Mama's: Uganda's eco-village shaping the future of sustainable agriculture

As the world reels from global food supply chain disruptions and extreme weather, this eco-village in Uganda is helping inculcate the importance of sustainable agriculture to local communities, teaching farmers how to grow for a healthier planet.

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Egypt, Algeria and Libya set to lead world's ‘green steel’ revolution

October 13, 2022

Egypt, Algeria and Libya set to lead world's ‘green steel’ revolution

Three African countries are poised to lead the world in the switch to carbon-free steel production.

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