
23 March 2021,  Africa No Filter

The British Council joins the movement to shift stereotypical narratives about Africa

Africa No Filter’s pooled funding now tops USD 5million. The funds are used for grant-making, research and advocacy campaigns that highlight narratives and their impact on the continent.

8 March 2021,  Africa No Filter

Complete this survey and shape ANF masterclasses for artists and storytellers

We want to empower Africa’s storytellers and creative community with tools for success in the creative industry through Masterclasses that turn talent into turnover.

15 September 2020,  Moky Makura

New US, UK funders to join African narrative collaborative

The UK’s Comic Relief and the US-based Conrad N. Hilton Foundation are the latest funders to join Africa No Filter (ANF) – a donor collaborative working to change harmful and stereotypical narratives about and within Africa. Both organisations join existing partners Ford Foundation, Bloomberg, Mellon Foundation, Luminate and Open Society Foundations to fund an ambitious program – influencing how the world sees Africa and how Africa sees itself.